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Nonprofit Workforce Shortages

Bridging the Gap: Addressing Nonprofit Workforce Shortages

October 22, 20233 min read

Bridging the Gap: Addressing Nonprofit Workforce Shortages

In the bustling heart of Washington, D.C., I had the privilege of sitting down with Ben Kershaw, the Director of Public Policy and Government Relations for Independent Sector. Our discussion revolved around a critical issue that resonates through today's society: nonprofit workforce shortages. The complexities of this problem are multifaceted, and they demand our attention.

workforce shortages

One of the primary questions we pondered is whether the issue stems from low pay. Surprisingly, low compensation doesn't always translate to a reduced workforce. I recounted my personal experience as a CEO when I had to make the decision to infuse a lot of money into salary adjustments, in the middle of a budget that was already approved. Then allocating more funding to increase wages for the next fiscal year budget. This was all done during a two year period and at the end of the day we still had the same amount of open positions.

It's not just about the numbers on a paycheck. Nonprofit work carries a significant mental toll, unlike the traditional for-profit sector. We discussed how you can't simply clock out and leave the day's emotional weight behind. Our nonprofit heroes often witness heart-wrenching moments, from the loss of a child to the devastating consequences of crime and abuse. This emotional burden extends beyond the workplace and seeps into their personal lives.

Solving the workforce shortage conundrum isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. We addressed a crucial aspect: the burden of student debt for those pursuing careers in the nonprofit sector. Many students graduate from specialized schools for counseling, social work, and more, burdened with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. The lack of incentives for students to enter essential roles such as nursing, medical care, social work, and government service poses a significant challenge.

public policy

Our discussion also delved into policy issues surrounding nonprofit work, like charitable deductions and their complexities. Kershaw shared valuable insights into the scarcity of up-to-date data that highlights the real struggles faced by the public in the nonprofit sphere. Limited resources often hinder efforts to gather critical information. The bottom line is, real data is often outdated and communities are the ones who feel the pain.

While we might not hold all the answers to the world's problems, our conversation left me inspired. As the Nonprofit Prophet, my mission is clear: to encourage local community leaders to step up and create genuine change. I aim to empower nonprofits to operate efficiently, akin to businesses. This involves working with the right board members, retaining dedicated staff, and, most importantly, extending a helping hand to as many individuals as possible.

The Change Lives Save Lives Tour serves as a vessel to expose and amplify my vision for the future of the nonprofit sector. Our journey continues, one city at a time, toward a brighter future where nonprofits can thrive, communities can unite, and lives can be changed and saved.

"Every day there is an opportunity to Change Lives and Save Lives"

-Matt George

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59 time #1 NYT best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

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Kevin Harrington-

Investor from the TV Show Shark Tank

"In Matt's first book Nonprofit Game Plan, I said he was the Nonprofit CEO of our time. In his quest to make change for the better, he now takes on a more important title. He is now the Nonprofit Prophet."

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Founder of Susan G. Komen and The Promise Fund of Florida

I highly recommend The Nonprofit Prophet to anyone seeking an unforgettable reading experience. Its a book whose characters resonate with the soul and remind us of the strength and changemakers we face in unexpected places. Fellow Peoria native Matt George has outdone himself with this brilliant work, offering life lessons and the impact of sustainable change.

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